How long is the waitlist?
The length of the waitlist varies, but it is generally longer for children 18 months – 3 years. The number of applicants waitlisted in each program changes frequently as a result of the continuous submission of new applications and old applications rolling over as children age.
Is my child guaranteed a spot once he/she is on your waitlist?
No. Being on the waitlist does not guarantee enrollment in Montessori School at Five Canyons. We cannot predict an applicant’s chances for admission since our classes have unique needs each year. Moreover, everyone who is considered for enrollment has to go through a visiting/observation process to give the parents and M5C staff an opportunity to learn more about each other and to help determine if there is a good match between the school, the child and the family.
Is preference given to certain families?
Yes. Priority enrollment consideration is given to siblings of currently enrolled students. A priority family is also not guaranteed enrollment and will only be offered a slot if they are eligible for the classroom opening and if both M5C and the child are a good fit for each other.
How long is the wait time?
It is impossible for us to predict how quickly our waitlist will progress. Therefore, we cannot give specific information on the wait time, an applicant’s “place” or “number” on the wait list or the probability of being enrolled.
Your position on the waitlist and your wait time is affected by factors, such as our priority applicants, applications that rolled over, classroom openings and needs, your child’s age, your application date, etc.
When do you enroll new families?
Our enrollment process is designed so that the bulk of new students enter in the summer and fall each year, when our Kindergarten students “graduate” and younger children transition to primary classrooms.
We admit children into our program from our waitlist if spaces become available at other times of the year. How often this occurs and in what age group are not predictable. The number of openings vary each year.
How long will I be on the waitlist? Is there a fee for the waitlist?
You will remain on the waitlist until you ask us to remove you, we cannot get a hold of you after numerous attempts, or when your child is over-aged for our program.
We will periodically send an email to check in with you. You MUST reply to this email within the given time frame to either reconfirm your interest to remain in the waitlist or to inform us that you are no longer interested.
If we do not receive a response from you or we cannot contact you, your child will be removed from our waitlist.
There is no fee for joining the waitlist.
What happens if I am not ready to enroll when space is offered to me? Can I reserve the slot for a later enrollment date?
If you defer an enrollment offer, you may remain on the waitlist. We cannot, however, reserve a slot for you. We also cannot guarantee that a slot will be available for you at a later time. We reserve the right to remove a family from the waitlist who has declined an enrollment offer. This option will be utilized in circumstances of multiple declined enrollment offers, when the waitlist is robust, or in other special circumstances.
How can I increase my chances of being considered for enrollment?
Flexibility is the key! We may only be able to offer enrollment for a particular program (3HR/6HR/9HR) and you may not be offered a slot with your ideal start date. If you are invited for a dialogue and/or you receive an enrollment offer, it is best to accept it at that time because there is no guarantee that a spot will be available for you again in the future.